Monday, October 29, 2007

Cynthia Corbin Workshop

This past weekend, I had the joy and privilege of attending a Cynthia Corbin's "Flying by the Seat of Your Pants" creativity workshop. What an encouraging teacher she is! The thing I liked about her workshop was that she set us up with a well-defined set of exercises to do. This structure is a workable combination of guidelines that are strict enough to direct us; but loose enough to allow us to speak in our own voice. The beauty of a well-defined guideline is that it forces you to be resourceful while respecting your individuality as an artist.

Two things that struck me about Cynthia's teaching style where: one, her ability to find the lemonade in every lemon she viewed, and her light-hearted instructive style. Cynthia doesn't take anything too seriously. I abhor pretension, so this really facet of her personality was really appealing to me.

If you ever get a chance to take one of her workshops, I highly recommend it. I will post photos of the seven WIP's I started in her class as soon as I get a chance. (This might not happen until AFTER Houston.)