Monday, January 25, 2010

There's No Place Like Home

Ever since our house caught fire on Christmas Day, we've been living here on the third floor of the Residence Inn with three small dogs and a pair of bad attitudes. Not really, considering the former facts, it's amazing how we've maintained the latter on a pretty even keel.  Sure I've had a couple of meltdowns; but that's to be expected, isn't it? And there was that night earlier this month when I chose to camp out on the futon in a cold spare room just because I wanted to sleep in my own house, just for one night. I couldn't sleep in my own bed, of course. There is no bed to sleep in. The bedroom furniture was totalled weeks ago. There are holes in the ceiling and the rain blew in all last week. Wow, I don't even own a bed right now! That's a strange thought.

Still and all, we have been remarkably fortunate. The restoration people seem to be doing a good job. We're all safe, healthy and employed.  Just think, we could be in Haiti right comparison to that, life's pretty sweet, we're only stuck on the third floor of the Residence Inn. I've got a fold out sofa here in the suite. This is an open invitation to any Haitian who needs a safe warm place to sleep. If only helping were as easy as extending an offer. We can't all go to Haiti to help; but I strongly encourage anyone who hasn' already contributed to please make a donation to Food for the Hungry or Red Cross or the charity of your choice to support the Haitian Relief effort. God bless you for it!  Peace.